On October 7, we launched a new Bible School year with 51 new students, half of whom are attending online. Over the past five years, the total number of students has reached 300.
This year, we designed a new Bible School program called ‘Bible in depth’. Despite its title, the course is designed for both beginners and advanced learners and does not require prior academic knowledge. We warmly welcome Christians from different denominations, as well as those who are unaffiliated with a church or have no prior knowledge of the Bible.
The course features five lecturers and runs from October to June, with weekly sessions every Monday evening (6:00–8:30 PM). The course is organized into 4-week cycles, with a total of six cycles over eight months. Selected books and passages from the Bible form the basis of the study, with ample time set aside for discussion. Each evening consists of two one-hour lectures separated by a 30-minute break, providing an opportunity for building relationships and personal interaction. Along with the lecturer, several members of the organizing team will be present to engage with participants and offer program support.
We encourage the Bible School students to become small group leaders and Bible study coordinators at their home churches and in their communities.

$557,926 TO GO
We have paid off about $1.65 million and remaining balance is $557,926.
Though the official due date was November 15, the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, our lender, has kindly extended our payment period through the end of the year without penalty. If additional time is needed to raise funds, we will begin loan renegotiations, but not before the start of the new year.
Please seek God’s guidance on how you might be able to help complete the establishment of the Home of Hope.
If you make your Giving Tuesday gifts please do not forget us as well.
We are truly grateful for the many individuals and congregations who have supported this mission. Thank you for being part of this journey!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving day!
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology