We have had gratifying experiences lately and we are happy to share them with you.
In March we started organizing monthly morning fellowship for men. On the morning of the second Tuesday of every month, the Home of Hope is filled with men. Men gather to encourage each other, read the Bible, pray, sing and eat breakfast together. We have already met twice and about 20 men are participating. This is an extremely good start and we pray for God’s blessing on this endeavor.
The motto of the men’s gathering is “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15.

We have been conducting Bible School for four years now and have had total of 250 students. We could not have expected such an interest in Bible study when we started Bible School.
On April 8th we had an open Bible School night. All those who wished had the opportunity to come and listen to the lecture of the Archbishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church on the Gospel of John and the 23 chapter of the Gospel of Luke.
We got a big surprise. More than 100 people attended this lecture. More then half of them on site at Home of Hope and the rest online. It is a joyful experience in a country which is considered to be the most secular country in the whole world.
The Archbishop shared with us his testimony about the work of Home of Hope and it is recorded in the video below.

This year our big challenge is paying off the Home of Hope’s mortgage by November 15, 2024. $953,859 still needs to be paid. Every donation is meaningful in this journey.
Home of Hope, which was founded in 2019, has given Estonians a lot of hope in these few years. We have seen that there are people in our country who are looking for God. Through the activities of the Home of Hope, we also reach those people who have not dared to enter the church door. We need help to pay off the mortgage and continue our work for generations to come. See more at tatest.org/story.
At the moment we have $5,530 in the matching fund. Every donation made to the Home of Hope will be doubled from this grant. We are grateful for additional donations to the matching fund in order to encourage others to give their support. If you want to contribute to this, please contact me by writing to [email protected] or by sending a message via Facebook Messenger facebook.com/siimon.haamer.
We are very grateful to all supporters and we pray that by giving you will not be deprived, but that you may experience God’s special blessing.
Please pray for us!
God bless you,
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology