Bible Camp & New Admission


During August 19-23 we organized at Home of Hope an adult Bible Camp together with five short term missionaries from US. We had 27 participants. Throughout the week we learned about Jesus and His teaching, deeds, crucifixion and resurrection. Discussion were very personal and several people shared their faith stories that they never dared to tell other people before.  

Here are some feedbacks from US missionaries that they shared with me when they were already back home.

I enjoyed my time in Estonia and I miss you all! My faith was greatly affected by the people I met and worked with, and the stories of your Dad and others!

Pastor Ann Auten (visited Estonia for the first time)
First St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hastings, NE

For me, it was the best experience so far!  Maybe because it was at Home of Hope, but mostly because of the people I met and relationships that were made.  EVERYTHING seemed to go so well from our accommodations, to our day trip to south Estonia, to the flow and content of the camp, to the logitics and ease of transportation.
Pastor Sandy Miller (visited Estonia for the third time) 
First Lutheran Church, Hope, MN

If you would like to be one of the team members at the Bible Camp in August of 2025, then find out more information HERE and sign up beofre December 1, 2024.

Please watch this video and learn about the emotions this Bible Camp evoked in the participants and mission team.


At the end of August, we admitted 24 new students: 12 for the bachelor’s and 12 for the master’s programs. Some of them want to become pastors, some pastoral care givers and some are not yet sure what’s the real purpose of their studies. We invite you to pray for both students and faculty, that faithful workers for the Kingdom of God in Estonia may be raised up.

We now have a total of 127 students in the college that Tartu Academy of Theology runs together with Lutheran Church Seminary. We start the academic year on September 11.


From September 29 to October 2, Siimon and Mattias Haamer will attend the LCMC Annual Gathering in Marion, IA. If you are also participating, please find us. We have a booth in the vendors area.

After the Gathering we will visit Minnesota, North Dakota, Denver, Carolinas, San Jose and Chicago. We still have some free slots in our schedule.

If you want to invite us to visit, contact Siimon Haamer [email protected] and let us know. Maybe we happen to be passing nearby and can stop by.


Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology


This year our big challenge is paying off the Home of Hope’s mortgage by November 15, 2024.$715,055still needs to be paid. Every donation is meaningful in this journey.

Recently we received a $100,000 CHALLENGE GIFT, which was also given to encourage others to give. Read more here.

At the moment we have $40,105 in the MATCHING FUND. Every donation will be DOUBLED from this grant.We are grateful for additional donations to the matching fund in order to encourage others to give their support. If you want to contribute to this, please contact me by writing to [email protected].

Home of Hope, which was founded in 2019, has given Estonians a lot of hope in these few years. We have seen that there are people in our country who are looking for God. Through the activities of the Home of Hope, we also reach those people who have not dared to enter the church door. We need help to pay off the mortgage and continue our work for generations to come.

We are very grateful to all supporters and we pray that by giving you will not be deprived, but that you may experience God’s special blessing.