Bible School Graduation & Visit Opportunities in 2025


In four years we have had 250 students in the Bible School. On June 3, the last class graduated. We had a blessed and joyful graduation evening. 39 graduates received their certificates. Here are some thoughts and words of thanks from them:

In addition to the knowledge gained, we take into our hearts the desire to seek God’s closeness. We are waiting for the new school year to join the new course of the Bible School again.


In the Bible school, I found fellowship with other Christians.


It was a blessing to meet many lecturers from different generations who were united by their dedication to preaching God’s word, deep knowledge and kindness.


For four years we have studied the Bible cover to cover every year. Now, for the new academic year, we have prepared a new Bible School curriculum in order to offer those who have acquired basic knowledge the opportunity to continue learning. At the same time, the curriculum is such that even those who have not participated in a Bible study before can participate. Many of the students have promised to return to school.

Here is an emotional video where recent Bible School graduates share their thoughts on this past year.



Dates: June 6-14, 2025

Organizer: Tartu Academy of Theology in co-operation with Spiritual Orphans Network

Group Size: 14 people

Registration: Deadline December 1, 2024

Coordinator & Tour Guide: Pastor Siimon Haamer, President of TAT

Contact Person in U.S.:  Angela Breidenbach, Director of Operations and Youth Education

More information:

The Persecution Pilgrimage in Estonia provides an opportunity to become a part of the story of spiritual resistance, complete trust in God and the suffering of one nation. To better understand all this history and trials, we will take you on a journey through the story of one Christian family. You will learn how to keep your faith alive and what it means that hopelessness has no place in our program.

Pilgrimage takes you to the paths where Pastor Eenok Haamer lived through the most difficult and pivotal times of his life. Eenok is 89 years old today, and the participants of the Persecution Pilgrimage have an extraordinary opportunity to go with Eenok to the places where he hid himself and hear about these experiences from him himself.

In addition, we present the story of the suffering of Estonians under communism in a broader way.

You will find more information, videos, registration form and detailed pilgrimage schedule on our website


Dates:  August 13-25, 2025

Organizer:  Tartu Academy of Theology

Location:  Christian outreach center Home of Hope in Tartu, Estonia

U.S. Team Size:  10 people (we are expecting max. 2 team members from one congregation)

Registration:  Deadline December 1, 2024

Coordinator:  Pastor Siimon Haamer, President of TAT

Team Leader:  Pastor Bob Nordvall

More information:

Tartu Academy of Theology is arranging an Adult Bible Camp in Tartu, Estonia. Coordinators and local organizers are Estonians. American Christians are called to join with the team as teachers. Also as leaders of discussion groups. There will be couple of pastors from U.S. in the team and they will take care of the main teaching work.

Camp will be held 4-5 hours every day in the afternoon. Around 30 participants are expected. Main focus is on small group discussions but every day in the beginning and end whole group will be together (singing, sharing, praying). We are expecting U.S. friends to share their testimonies.

You will find more information, registration form and detailed Bible Camp Mission Trip  schedule on our website

Sign up and we hope to see you in Estonia!


Pastor Siimon Haamer

President of Tartu Academy of Theology



This year our big challenge is paying off the Home of Hope’s mortgage by November 15, 2024. $916,379 still needs to be paid. Every donation is meaningful in this journey.

Home of Hope, which was founded in 2019, has given Estonians a lot of hope in these few years. We have seen that there are people in our country who are looking for God. Through the activities of the Home of Hope, we also reach those people who have not dared to enter the church door. We need help to pay off the mortgage and continue our work for generations to come. See more at

At the moment we have $9,796 in the matching fund. Every donation made to the Home of Hope will be doubled from this grant. We are grateful for additional donations to the matching fund in order to encourage others to give their support. If you want to contribute to this, please contact me by writing to [email protected].

We are very grateful to all supporters and we pray that by giving you will not be deprived, but that you may experience God’s special blessing.