Dear Friends of Estonia,
You have been part of the great story of the establishment of Home of Hope that is actually part of a much longer story of generations of continuity. I believe many people have thought that Home of Hope is a project exceeding our capabilities. Without hope and faith in the Lord that certainly would be the case. Our history and life experiences throughout four generations have given us affirmation that “with my God I can scale a wall” (Psalm 18:29).
We are calling you to share in our hope and trust that is the assurance of our achievements. We are joyful we have many good friends who share this and want to be part of great things that are happening in Estonia. They have set up the Home of Hope Challenge Fund and have already made sacrificial gifts of $113,500. The goal is to raise $750,000 in order to erase half of the Home of Hope mortgage loan. Below and from you will find more information about the Bringing HOPE TO ESTONIA Campaign.
Help us to scale the wall, please.
Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology
Dear Loyal Followers of Tartu Academy of Theology,
Inviting you to the Bringing Hope to Estonia Campaign
“Now FAITH is the assurance of things HOPED for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Home of Hope is a leap of FAITH birthed by the call of God. It brings HOPE, not often seen, for preparing a new generation of witnesses for Jesus Christ in Estonia. Three, now four generations of the Haamer family, people of FAITH, have acted and continue to act with others to bring the HOPE we have in our Lord and Savior to a land where neither FAITH nor HOPE is visible to many. This vision for preparing a new generation of witnesses has come at a cost; Home of Hope was made possible through daring trust in God. We trust God’s provision for the debt of approximately $1.5 million. Leaders of Home of Hope acted and believe God has raised up brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with them in offering sacrificial gifts.
Charity Lutheran Church of Bismarck, ND, through special gifts has recently given $67,500. Additionally, two families made sacrificial gifts totaling $46,000 bringing the total initial giving to $113,500.
We invite you to Sacrificial Giving to Erase Much of the Home of Hope Debt. Your sacrificial gift will have an immediate and lasting impact on not only a critical, growing ministry, but an entire nation!
All funds raised by sacrificial giving will go to the Home of Hope Challenge Fund. Our goal is to raise $750,000 by June 30th, 2021.
Your example will encourage other believers to contribute to the Home of Hope Challenge Fund. A Leadership Team of 30 people in the US will be loyally working to multiply your gift, encouraging people to match your donation in whatever way they can. You are welcome to join this team.
Your gift has an even greater multiplying effect as visualized in the illustration on the next page.
A Spirit Inspired Question and Call to Prayer
What would a sacrificial gift for Home of Hope be for you?
You are invited to lift this up in prayer over the next weeks.
Gifts to reach the $750,000 goal can be given through Charity Lutheran Church, 120 Aspen Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58503 (Tax deductible). Gifts should be noted as “Home of Hope Challenge Fund.” The hope is that these gifts can be given by June 30th, 2021.
Online giving options and more information about the campaign is available at
The Leadership Team is led by Pastor Bob Nordvall ([email protected]; cell 701-391-0182), the American Contact for Home of Hope and the Tartu Academy of Theology.
God bless you,
Friends of Estonia