I’m sharing good news. During first month of the Bringing HOPE TO ESTONIA campaign we have raised $170,000 USD. In order to reach our goal, we need to raise $580,000 USD more by the end of June this year.
Bad news is that COVID-19 infection rate in Estonia is the highest in the world. This has also affected our work and income. Few things we dared to plan for this period have been put on hold. Bible School classes are luckily transferred to the internet and are continuing.
We are truly thankful to all our donors and your continuing partnership!
Below you’ll find also video where I’m sharing update about our current situation.
Please go to tatest.org/campaign to learn more about the ongoing campaign.
One of our friends from US, Alice Klement, asked me to share her story about her recent giving for the campaign. You’ll find her letter below.
Help us to reach the goal, please.
Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have recently sent a check in response to the challenge to sacrificial giving for the Bringing Hope to Estonia campaign. AND THEN IT HAPPENED! I received the $1400 stimulus money in my checking account! This is what my mother called, “FOUND MONEY.” It was not planned or budgeted for. To be honest, because of Social Security and a pension, I can live comfortably without this $1400. Perhaps you can live without your stimulus money too. I would like to take this occasion to challenge you to send our stimulus money directly to the Bringing Hope to Estonia campaign. If we all work together, we can make a significant dent in Home of Hope mortgage. All glory to God!
Let’s all pray and give…all, more, or some of our stimulus money to God’s work in Estonia!
God be with you,
Alice Klement
February 19th, 2021 we launched Bringing HOPE TO ESTONIA Campaign by virtue of our friends in US. Below you may watch video about the campaign and much more information is available at tatest.org/campaign.
Help us to reach the goal, please.