I’m sharing our joy and gratitude with you.
Because of COVID we have had very little in person contacts with our friends from foreign countries, but last Friday was very different from that. On November 5th our long time friends and supporters from Denmark, Bent Erik & Birgit Møller and Kristen & Inga Grysbæk, visited us at Home of Hope. They are representatives of Ringkøbing’s Y’s Men's Club and our friendship goes back for almost 30 years.
Danish Y’s Men’s have been our faithful supporters and partners and we are happy these connections continue. The purpose of current visit was to bring personally their donation for Home of Hope and Tartu Academy and to see Home of Hope facility.
We are very thankful to Ringkøbing’s Y’s Men’s for their gift.
I want to tell you why this visit was very meaningful to us. As you know we have challenging mortgage loan on our shoulders. This is our daily concern and prayer topic because we never know when and wherefrom we’ll get funds to pay next loan payment. It's just a miracle that with help of many donors we have raised already over one million dollars for Home of Hope so far. That's almost 50% of the total needed for the facility. Now, we have next mortgage loan payment on November 15th but today we are still missing $62,226. We don’t know at the moment what to say to the creditor on coming Monday. We have prayed signs from The Lord. Visit and gift from Danish friends was a sign that gave us much encouragement.
We call you to pray with us for solution with this payment and with our mortgage loan overall.
God bless you,
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology

Charity Lutheran Church (Tax deductible.)
120 Aspen Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58503, U.S.A.
Make checks payable to Charity Lutheran designating "Home of Hope" in the memo portion.
To give electronically through Charity Lutheran Church in Bismarck ND (Tax deductible) go to Charity's website. Choose from the "Fund" dropdown list "Tartu Academy of Theology" and then choose the sub fund.
More giving options are available at tatest.org/give/.
Eenok, Eha and Siimon Haamer sharing common memories with visitors from Denmark.