and arrange ESTONIA DINNER
In order to complete the establishment of Home of Hope, the joint contribution of many people is really needed. Read more...
To expand the network of Friends of Estonia, we invite you to become our AMBASSADOR. It’s easy, just call your friends to the ESTONIA DINNER and share about our mission work with them.
We have prepared everything for you: menu with recipes, meal prayer song, quiz, videos, handouts etc. Scroll down and you'll find all the information.
We have prepared everything for you: menu with recipes, meal prayer song, quiz, videos, handouts etc. Scroll down and you'll find all the information.
Please be sure to let us know if you plan to organize an Estonia Dinner with your friends. Please fill out the following form.
Please become an ambassador for mission work in Estonia!
We’d like to suggest a possible program to make it easier for you to plan the evening. You are of course free to make your own decisions and arrange this Estonia Dinner just the way you like.
All elements of the program are included on this page. Scroll down please.
Please share comments and pictures of your evening with us by sending them to Siimon Haamer [email protected].
- Pray for the meal/gathering (Please also include prayers for Estonia and our mission work)
- Pray Our Father, The Lord’s Prayer (Words in Estonian and a video are included)
- Share some basic information about Estonia
- Listen to the Estonian national anthem (see video)
- Share the story of the Haamer family (A brochure is a good resource for this)
- Share some information about Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope (A brochure is a good resource for this)
- Play the meal prayer song in Estonian (see video)
- Serve the first course
- Serve the main course
- Give the Quiz
- Share the Videos – Story about Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope and others
- Serve Dessert
- Share about our needs and ask guests to support our endeavours financially. Read more about our current biggest need. (Giving options are available here)
- Offer your guests the opportunity to join the TAT and Home of Hope mailing list (A printable sign up form is available here. Send these contacts to Siimon Haamer [email protected])
- Sing together a hymn written by Pastor Harri Haamer (see video and sheet of music)
- Pray
PS: If there is enough time show The Singing Revolution movie. You need to purchase a copy from the website first.
Black rye bread would be the most appropriate menu item, but it would be difficult to make it yourself and you probably can't buy it in the US. Therefore, we offer one alternative option, Barley Bread, which is also a traditional Estonian food.
4.5 fl oz of curd (cottage cheese or ricotta) (1/2 cup)
8.5 fl oz of milk (1 cup)
1 egg
3.5 fl oz of wheat flour (1/2 cup)
½ tsp. of baking soda
1 tsp. of salt
1 tbsp. of sugar or honey
2 tbsp. of butter
8.5 fl oz of barley flour (1 1/8 cup)
Mix the curd with whipped eggs, milk, salt, and sugar. Add melted butter and flour mixed with soda. Immediately place the dough into the cooking form, greased with butter and lightly coated with flour and cook in an oven of 350 °F for about 30-40 minutes. The readiness of the cake could be checked with a wooden toothpick in the middle of the cake.
Serve with butter and boiled egg or with smoked sprats or sardines in oil.
2.5 lbs of pork with rind
2 tbsp. of salt
1 tbsp. of pepper
2 tbsp. of mustard
2 tbsp. of oil
Cut a diamond-shaped pattern into the rind. Mix up the salt, pepper, mustard, and oil and spread the mixture onto the meat. Place in an oven with a temperature less than 320 °F and roast until soft. Moisten with the broth every now and then to prevent the meat from drying out. You can use an oven bag for a juicier result. (Don’t forget to boil some potatoes!)
2.5 lbs of sauerkraut (5 cups)
3.5 fl oz of lard
9 tbsp. sugar
Drain the sauerkraut in a colander and place in a large saucepan. Add the water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 1.5 - 2 hours. Drain the sauerkraut in a colander, making sure no excess liquid is left.
Melt the sugar in a large frying pan until it is golden brown. Add lard and gently stir until the sugar and fat have melted together. Add the sauerkraut to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
Historically Kama was a non-perishable, easy-to-carry food that could be quickly fashioned into a stomach-filling snack. Nowadays it is used for making some desserts. It is mostly eaten for breakfast mixed with milk, buttermilk or kefir as mush. It is frequently sweetened with sugar and especially with blueberry, more rarely with other fruits or honey or served unsweetened.
13.5 fl oz whipped cream
3 tbsp. of sugar
4 tbsp. of flour of mixture of rye-oat-barley and peasemeal (a flour made out of peas)
To garnish
powder sugar
Whip the cream with sugar into firm foam. Just before serving add the flour mixture of rye-oat-barley and peasemeal and stir carefully into even mixture. Divide the foam into dessert dishes and add either jam, syrup or liquor and minced nuts.
The Estonian climate is too cold to make good wines. Different juices from fruits and berries are common drinks with meals. Also beer and, of course, just water (Without ice!). Kefir and buttermilk would also be very Estonian drinks, but these days they are not consumed much with meals anymore. Find a drink that suits your taste and enjoy your dinner.
A brochure about Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope
May, 2024 newsletter
September, 2024 newsletter ...
Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Home mailing list sign up form.
Printing them out would be great.
Story of Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope – Pastor Siimon Haamer, President of Tartu Academy of Theology
The last call to support the establishment of Home of Hope
... – Pastor Siimon Haamer, President of Tartu Academy of Theology
Here are links to the testimonies of our students, alumni and co-workers. – A Bible School student – I Found A Real God – Alumnus of Tartu Academy of Theology, a Lutheran Pastor – God Caught Me – Alumna of Tartu Academy of Theology, a Pastoral Caregiver – If I seek the Kingdom of God I will see God's miracles
Why I support mission work in Estonia – Pastor Tom Corbell from Charlotte, NC – Pastor David Gran from Garfield, MN
An example of One Minute Bible Study series videos in Instagram (targeted to youth)
Bible Camp with short term missionaries from US in August, 2024
The Singing Revolution was a series of events from 1987 to 1991 that led to the restoration of independence of the three Soviet-occupied Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The term was coined by an Estonian activist and artist, Heinz Valk, in an article published a week after the 10–11 June 1988 spontaneous mass evening singing demonstrations at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. The Singing Revolution lasted over four years, with various protests and acts of defiance. Independence was regained without any blood shed.
In 1991, as the central government in Moscow and the Soviet Army attempted to stop the Estonian progress towards independence, the newly elected legislature of Estonia declared independence on the late evening of 20 August 1991.
There is a movie "The Singing Revolution" in English. Find it here If you have a really long evening planned then you can watch it with your guests. You need to purchase a copy from the website first.
You may suggest your friends read the book We Shall Live in Heaven, written by Pastor Harri Haamer. A pastors testimony of faith, recounting his experiences in a Soviet slave labor camp.
Harri Haamer, a Lutheran pastor, was almost 8 years in a Soviet slave labor camp in Siberia after WWII. He was imprisoned because he was a pastor. Fortunately he returned and wrote about his experiences in We Shall Live in Heaven.
This is not a dark book. On the contrary, it is even funny and very encouraging and uplifting for Christians today. You will learn about how Christians suffered under Soviet occupation in Estonia. You will also be able to understand why the mission work of Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope is so important and,at the same time, challenging in Estonia.
A book study guide is also available and several churches in U.S. have organized book study groups based on Harri Haamer's book.
The book is available on Amazon (paperback). The Book Study Guide, e-book version and PDF file of the book is available free of charge on ourwebsite
To illustrate what this book is about, we recommend reading a passage from the chapter "Hopelessness has no place in our program".
It turns out that he is indeed a German soldier, imprisoned for the second time. He had been caught stealing salt from a warehouse where he had been working, carrying sacks of salt. He had stuffed a few handfuls of salt into his pocket. Now, he was awaiting the “harsh but fair” sentence of a Soviet court for committing this crime.
As he tells me his story, he becomes even more dejected. Somehow, I want to console this man from a foreign land. I ask if he is a Christian. He replies “yes.”
“But as Christians, we must know that hopelessness has no place in our program,” I tell him.
“How can that be?” the German protests. “Our outlook is so hopeless. Death will be my only escape!” the miserable man cries.
“Do you know the story of Jesus and his disciple on the stormy Lake Genetsareth?” I ask him.
“Of course I do,” he replies.
“Then you know what he said to his fearful friends when they cried: ‘Teacher, rise! We are doomed!’”
“He asked them: ‘Where is your faith?’”
“Yes, he asked them that,” I affirm. “And do you know why he asked them that?”
The German becomes thoughtful.
“He had a reason for asking them that question. In their fear of death, they had lost their faith in their teacher. They saw nothing else but the storm, and they were frightened by the waves crashing over the boat. But they did not know Jesus well enough to have enough faith to follow Him, even into death. To go with Him into death is not the same as to perish. If they had drowned in the lake along with Jesus, they would not have perished. There is no situation into which we cannot go with Christ. If we have faith in Him, we will not perish, even if we should die. And that is why hopelessness has no place in our program.”
We are very grateful for every donation that helps us fulfill our mission. Find giving options here.
Currently we really need help in order to complete the establishment of Home of Hope. Read more...
Proclaim the Word of God in ESTONIA, the country which suffered for 50 years under Soviet occupation and is considered to be one of the most secular countries in the world.
Estonia visiting opportunities:
Home of Hope establishment challenge:
Facebook page:
YouTube channel:
Meie Isa, kes Sa oled taevas! Pühitsetud olgu Sinu nimi. Sinu riik tulgu. Sinu tahtmine sündigu nagu taevas, nõnda ka maa peal. Meie igapäevast leiba anna meile tänapäev. Ja anna meile andeks meie võlad, nagu meiegi andeks anname oma võlglastele. Ja ära saada meid kiusatusse, vaid päästa meid ära kurjast. Sest Sinu päralt on riik ja vägi ja au igavesti.
Here you can listen how Our Father sounds in Estonian.
Mattias and Hetek Haamer recorded a very common Estonian meal prayer song. Wacth here.
Issand leiba õnnista
ole ikka meiega.
Lord bless the bread
Be among us.
Keep Me Ever Faithful To You
Melody: Louis Bourgeois, 1500's
English translation: Pastor Brian Lunn, 2024
Mattias and Hetek Haamer sing this song for you. Find it here. First they sing in Estonian and then in English.
You can also download the sheet music here.
Keep me ever faithful to You
By Your side until the end,
Let not guilt or pain or trouble
Or oppression make me bend.
Jesus, Your light in my soul
Is my joy through all my toil
As through thorns I walk, undaunted
Truth is what my heart has wanted!
For the fight, Lord, I am willing;
I'm a soldier of Your grace.
All my enemies subduing
Who from truth would turn my face.
Jesus, by Your Spirit's power,
Courage give for ev'ry hour.
Then, at last, I'll win the vict'ry,
Crown of life, and endless glory!
Mattias and Hetek Haamer recorded one beautiful Estonian Christian evening song for you. Find it here.
You can download and print the file of the Estonian flag from here.
The flag was made in Tartu and consecrated on 4 June 1884 in Otepää as the flag of ethnic Estonian students. As the idea of Estonia as a free nation spread, these three colours became established as the national colours, and almost immediately after the achievement of independence 1918, the blue, black and white flag was made the national flag.
Blue represents the sky, but also the future and the truth; black represents the soil, the past and also love; and white represents the snow, spiritual light and hope.
Video is recorded at the Estonian Song Festival in 2019.
Words of the Estonian national anthem in English
Printable version of the anthem is here.
Lyrics by Johann Voldemar Jannsen
Melody by Fredrik (Friedrich) Pacius
My native land, my joy - delight,
How fair thou art - how bright!
For nowhere in the world around
Can ever such a place be found
So well belov'd, from sense profound,
My native country dear!
My tiny crib stood on thy soil,
Whose blessings eased my every toil.
With my last breath my thanks to thee,
For true to death I'll ever be,
O worthy, most belov'd and fine,
My dearest country mine!
May God in Heaven thee defend,
My own, my dearest land!
May He be guard, may He be shield,
For ever bless and guardian wield
Protection for all deeds of thine,
My own, my dearest land!
Located in the Baltic region of Northern Europe
Area 17,462 sq mi
Population 1,3 million
Language Estonian
Only about 10% are Christians
1918 Declaration of Independence
1940-1991 Soviet Union atheistic occupation
1987-1991 The Singing Revolution which led to the restoration of independence
- There is a movie "The Singing Revolution" in English. Find it here If you have a really long evening planned then you can watch it with your guests. You need to purchase a copy from the website first.
1991 Restoration of independence
Find out more
Estonian National Anthem
Quiz about Estonia with 17 questions is downloadable here.
If the Estonia Dinner created a deeper interest toward our mission work and Estonia in general, here are some options you can share with your guests.
- Ask your guests to pray for our mission work.
Pray for the awakening in Estonia.
Pray for Christians in Estonia and that they would continuously stand in biblical teaching.
- Pray for a new generation of clergy to grow up in Estonia.
- Pray for the people in positions of authority that they would ask for God’s guidance.
- Pray that Tartu Academy of Theology and its outreach center Home of Hope would bear good fruit in mission work in Estonia:
- Academical studies;
- Bible school;
- Youth work;
- Pastoral care work.
- Pray for the Christian radio station located in Home of Hope.
- Pray for the Home of Hope’s mortgage payoff and ask God for guidance on how you can help us accomplish this goal (due date is Nov. 15th, 2024 and around 0.7 million dollars still needs to be paid).
- Join the TAT and Home of Hope mailing list (A printable sign up form is available here. Send these names and contacts to Siimon Haamer [email protected])
- Adult Bible Camp Short Term Mission Trip
- Persecution Pilgrimage
- If your congregation would like to learn more about Estonia and mission work of TAT and Home of Hope, please let Pastor Siimon Haamer know. Maybe Siimon can include a visit to your church in his schedule for his next trip to the USA.
- Please share comments and pictures of your evening with us by sending them to Siimon Haamer [email protected].
- Share about our needs and ask guests to support our endeavours financially. Giving options are available here.
- Currently we really need help in order to complete the establishment of Home of Hope. Read more...