Pastor Sandy Miller from Owatonna, MN visited Estonia in August this year. She was part of the short term mission team from US and helped us to conduct a week long Bible camp at Home of Hope. That was her third trip to Estonia.
We share with you her testimony about Tartu Academy of Theology and Home of Hope. She says: “When I was in Estonia in 2019 I was able to see the beginning stages of construction of Home of Hope and got a tour with my hart hat on. And now I’m back here in 2024 and I can see the fulfillment of that dream and vision and all of the fruits that it is bearing, not just in Tartu, but all throughout Estonia and even beyond, throughout the world.” Find out more in the video below.
We are getting closer and closer to the final goal. We still have THREE WEEKS until the mortgage payment deadline. $1.6 million has already been paid and $622,493 needs to be paid.
NOVEMBER 15, 2024 is the due date of the mortgage.
Every donation is meaningful.
We are very grateful to the many people who pray for us and help us get closer to our goal with their gifts.
! Organize ESTONIA DINNER at your home and invite your friends to help us achieve this goal.

We have received a number of very good questions. Maybe the same questions have popped up in your mind as well. In this and some of our next emails we’ll share with you these questions and our answers (see also FAQ section on our website tatest.org/faq).
Estonia is a member of the European Union and its economy is quite good. Why do you still need financial help from the U.S.?
That’s right, Estonia isn’t a developing country any more and our economy is much better compared to Africa and many other regions in the world. Our problem is that only a very small percentage of our population, around 5% or less, care about church life and mission work in Estonia. Approximately 10% of the population are in some way affiliated with churhces but they are not all giving people. Unfortunately, most of the people who care about mission work don’t have much money. But that doesn’t mean that people in Estonia do not need to hear Word of God. In co-operation with our brothers and sisters n Christ from U.S. we are able to raise up new generations of Christians in Estonia. We are truly grateful that American Christians have compassion towards our country and people.
We try to do our best in order to teach Estonians to give. We have arranged two special fundraising gala dinners in Estonia to raise support for our work. We were able to also involve local business people and some of them have responded to our call for support. The first evening we raised about $40,000 and the second evening about $30,000. We’ll continue this work so that step-by-step we can reduce our dependence on U.S. donations.
Here is a table with our income plan that gives a simple overview of where we came from and what our plan for the future is.
TAT & Home of Hope annual budget income plan:

We plan to establish the TAT Endowment Fund in 2025. Our goal is that in 10 years it will be a source which covers about 10% of our annual budget. In addition, this fund could be a resource from which grants can be requested for Christian youth work activities in Estonia.
Let’s go on prayerfully and trusting God!
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology