Need Help for New Printing of Harri Haamer’s Book

As you probably know my grandfather Pastor Harri Haamer wrote a book We Shall Live in Heaven. In this book he is telling a story about his journey to a Soviet slave labor camp in Siberia which lasted almost eight years.

Printed versions are not any more available in English and Estonian. As people keep asking we need to make new printing. I’m planning US trip in the end of September this year and would be really good to have new edition in English printed by this time.

Unfortunately we don’t have funds for this purpose at the moment and we need financial help in order to print new books. To make minimum print-run on both languages costs at least $5,000. If we will have more funds we can print more copies and with better quality. 

Also we don’t know any printing company in US which could make this printing job. We would be thankful for a good advice.

Cover of the book is below and by clicking you’ll find an e-book version.

We are very thankful for any help. You can use our regular giving options that are presented on our website. Just mark designation “TAT Haamer’s book”. If making donation electronically then designate for “Tartu Academy of Theology” and let me know by email to [email protected] that you made donation for the book printing.

God bless you,
Pastor Siimon Haamer

President of Tartu Academy of Theology