We are very thankful for your help during this time of crisis.
As we were not able to raise enough funds for the loan payment we asked our creditor to postpone the payment for 5 more months. We are thankful our application was approved. The next payment is due October 15th, 2020. Our journey continues.

We are moving forward with TAT annual budget funding but we still need some good efforts to get this balanced. We need your help.

Pastoral Care Telephone Line
This Corona crisis while causing many hardships is also providing new opportunities. The Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs has decided to finance and launch 24/7 pastoral care via telephone. Because the Academy has trained pastoral care givers for approximately 30 years, the Ministry has asked us to initiate and run this operation. This service will be provided through the end of 2020. We will be able to offer full time jobs for six pastoral care givers!
Estonia is Opening Up
In Estonia we have managed to get the Corona virus under control. This coming Sunday, church services will be held again. Next week restaurants and shopping centers will be open. Life on the island, Saaremaa, where the outbreak was bad, is back to normal. We hope and pray that the US is able to return to normal life soon.
Friends of Estonia Summit in ZOOM
As travelling is currently not possible I still would like to have an opportunity to be in contact with you in person. That’s why I’m setting up a Friends of Estonian Summit via the internet using ZOOM Wednesday, May 13th at 10:00 am US Central time. Here is the invitation for you to join:
Siimon Haamer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Friends of Estonia Summit
Time: May 13, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 0293 7241
Password: 052159
Everyone is welcome! You don’t have to let me know in advance, you just click this link enter password and join. Probably you even don’t have to download ZOOM to join but if that’s still needful you can download it onto your computer from here.
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology

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