Mattias and I recently recorded an interview with my father, Pastor Eenok Haamer, the founder of the Tartu Academy of Theology (TAT). During the interview, we explored the origins of TAT, including the events leading up to its establishment and the significant role played by eight Lutheran pastors from the United States in the school’s founding.
I’m highlighting some important thoughts shared by Eenok:
“I am a person of faith, and I believe that God hears prayers. This journey began through prayer. Without prayer, we would have undertaken nothing. We’ve trusted in God, knowing that when we pray, He listens and He answers. The Tartu Academy of Theology is not a project with an end date but rather a project of God’s making, without human-imposed limits. God has planned it across ages and generations, and it’s a project He has given for the benefit of a small small nation, the Estonian people. Jesus Christ is with us every day, and I believe that the Estonian people have a spiritual awakening ahead. Therefore, I am infinitely grateful to all those helpers who, with their financial support, have helped this small nation step out or rise from the oppression and destruction into which we have been pushed. May God’s name be honored, and may His name be thanked and praised. I also thank everyone who has supported this work wholeheartedly, with love and dedication. I am confident that no supporter will regret it; they will feel they’ve done something remarkable. Because the entire Tartu Academy of Theology, as such, is unprecedented. And it’s possible because God has foreseen it and sent help to this nation. Blessed be His holy name, and blessed be all who have supported this work with love and great care. May God reward and bless you. Amen!”
Below, you’ll find a short clip summarizing our conversation and here youtu.be/RUIXrd72nEI is the link to the FULL INTERVIEW.
$578,802 TO GO
We have paid off about $1.65 million and remaining balance is $578,802.
Though the official due date was November 15, the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, our lender, has kindly extended our payment period through the end of the year without penalty. If additional time is needed to raise funds, we will begin loan renegotiations, but not before the start of the new year.
We ask for your continued prayers and kindly request that you share this update with your congregation. If feasible, please consider discussing the possibility of holding a special offering in your church. Should this be an option, we’d be happy to provide a short 1-minute video message to share with your congregation.
We are deeply encouraged by the fact that several congregations are planning special offerings in the coming weeks. We are confident that the remaining loan amount will continue to decrease in the weeks ahead.
Please seek God’s guidance on how you might be able to help complete the establishment of the Home of Hope.
We are truly grateful for the many individuals and congregations who have supported this mission. Thank you for being part of this journey!
Let’s go on prayerfully and trusting God!
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology