Have you ever stepped into a fast-flowing and abundant river with the plan of walking along the riverbed to the other bank? The reasonable answer to this question would be of course not, because a wise person who cares about his life would not do that. Indeed, it is a right and wise decision. The possibility of realizing such plans belongs only to the realm of miracles.

I have to confess that trusting in God we have stepped into a fast-flowing and abundant river and we give testimony that God makes miracles even today.

I believe you know the story of Joshua (Joshua ch. 3-4) when he was with all the Israelites in front of the flooding Jordan. The Lord said to Joshua that if the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the covenant step into the Jordan the flood will stop and you can walk through the riverbed to the other bank. Joshua trusted the Lord and followed his word. Therefore a miracle happened.

The story of Joshua was a great encouragement to us in the spring of 2018 while we presented a vision of a Christian outreach center, Home of Hope. By God’s miracle, we were able to raise a downpayment of $125,000 in six weeks. Then we couldn’t be untrustful to the Lord and we decided to step into the water. The signature was given to the contract in which there was an amount of seven figures. We didn’t have all this money but we realized that God was walking with us.

We are now in the middle of the riverbed and the flood still isn’t crashing over us. I’m asking you, please join with us in the riverbed. The Estonian people are looking at us and for them it’s hard to believe that this walk can be successful.

We confess God did not have us choose an easy way, but God has blessed all our activities in Home of Hope. During only four years we have gained much more then we were able to vison and dream. We are happy that we have devoted coworkers who share our trust in the Lord and are not running away but are standing with us in this riverbed.

Time is short. We have to pay off the mortgage by November 15th of this year. 

PLEASE, MAKE THE LEAP OF FAITH AND JOIN WITH US IN THE RIVERBED! Let’s walk together to the other shore so that we can reach the Promised Land.

Now there isn’t much time left and that’s why I’m calling you to join with us. Please help us as much as you can. During the last two years I have personally visited around 60 churches in the U.S. I have met thousands of people and I have shared our story with them. There are many people who have already decided to give their testimony of trusting God and have stepped into that riverbed standing next to me and I am very grateful for that. 

I know that only through prayer and joint effort we are able to accomplish this path.


Pastor Siimon Haamer

President of Tartu Academy of Theology


This year our big challenge is paying off the Home of Hope’s mortgage by November 15, 2024. $925,839 still needs to be paid. Every donation is meaningful in this journey.

Home of Hope, which was founded in 2019, has given Estonians a lot of hope in these few years. We have seen that there are people in our country who are looking for God. Through the activities of the Home of Hope, we also reach those people who have not dared to enter the church door. We need help to pay off the mortgage and continue our work for generations to come. See more at

At the moment we have $14,526 in the matching fund. Every donation made to the Home of Hope will be doubled from this grant. We are grateful for additional donations to the matching fund in order to encourage others to give their support. If you want to contribute to this, please contact me by writing to [email protected].

We are very grateful to all supporters and we pray that by giving you will not be deprived, but that you may experience God’s special blessing.