$58,000 MATCH GIFT
I’m truly delighted to announce that small rural Leaf Mountain Lutheran Church of Clitherall, MN voted to send awe-inspiring $58,000 (fifty eight thousand dollars) as a matching gift to the Home of Hope appeal. This news shocked me in a very positive way. Small Leaf Mountain Lutheran gives such a powerful testimony and much encouragement to us. They are stepping out like David stepped out against Goliath.
Nathan Hanson, pastor of Leaf Mountain Lutheran shared some thoughts about this generous gift.
It is my opinion small rural Lutheran congregations that comprise so much of the Lutheran witness here in the USA have an ill-founded reputation. Numbers are down in churches most everywhere, but we are finding growing interest in our fellowship of believers in Jesus, and His provision for our every need. We are delighted to share in a ministry that is growing in strength and expression in the face of great struggles, namely Home of Hope in Estonia. Their faith enlivens ours!
A paraphrase of a hymn (written in 1933!) is a good motivator:
“We serve a living Savior, He’s in the world today.
We know that He is living, whatever others say.
The hope of all who seek Him, the help of all who find,
none other is so loving, so good and kind.”
We hope that this gift will not only be an encouragement to us, but also to everyone who follows our life and establishment process of the Home of Hope.
On June 27-28 Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church organized Church Days in Viljandi. The main event was the Christian Song Festival on Saturday, when about 2,000 choir singers glorified God with their singing.

During these days was opened a Mission tent where among other Christian organizations was also Home of Hope represented. People who took part in the Church Days were able to get to know different Christian organizations and also Home of Hope.

Our Pastoral Care Center was represented with group of pastoral care givers who walked around the city wearing T-shirts with “Talk to Me” written on the back. People had an opportunity to share their personal problems with them. There weren’t many who took advantage of this opportunity, but there were still quite many who became interested in who pastoral care givers are and what they do.

Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology