Some News from Estonia in the Midst of Challenges

First of all I hope you all are safe and sound and taking care of yourself during this very unpredictable time.
As the Covid-19 virus is basically everywhere in the world, it’s of course also in Estonia. To days ago the first person died because of Corona and we have altogether 575 positive cases. About one third of them are on the island of Saaremaa where our friends from the US have organised Bible Camps for several years. Covid-19 was brought to Saaremaa by a volleyball team from North Italy.
In Estonia life has stopped. Schools and businesses are closed, and also, nothing is happening at Home of Hope. I’m just alone when I am here. As all activities are stopped, I have had time to build a new website. I’m very sorry that it was taking so long time but I’m happy to announce the brand new website on the same address is now available with all kinds of information and lots of pictures.
There is also a video where you can see what Home of Hope looks like and how it’s filled with life. For your convinience I’m adding the video here.
During the couple of months that Home of Hope has been actively in use, we have hosted various seminars and other events. We have received enough income to cover all monthly operating expenses of the facility and also more. Now of course things are changing because of the virus and we are getting into trouble. We see that giving is dropping rapidly and we don’t know how we will be able to raise funds for loan payments. Maybe we will be able to postpone the next payment but this is not sure yet. The situation seems kind of hopeless, but we certainly are not. We are thankful to God that He gave us just the right time frame to build Home of Hope in a miraculous way. We trust the Lord that miracles will continue.
Because of this pandemic virus, travelling is very limited and I can’t come to visit, even though I would like to have an opportunity to be in contact with you in person. That’s why I’m setting up a Friends of Estonian Summit in internet using ZOOM platform for Monday, March 30th at 10:00 am US Central time. Here is invitation for you to join:
Siimon Haamer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Friends of Estonia Summit
Time: Mar 30, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 539 612 633
Everyone is welcome! You don’t have to let me know in advance, you just click this link and join at this time. Probably you even don’t have to download ZOOM to join but if that’s still needful you can download it onto your computer from here.
I’ll be talking with you from the Home of Hope classroom where the video conference system is set up.
We keep you in our prayers and please keep us in your prayers. Together we’ll survive. I’m certain when this crisis is over, people will be shaken and the need for a center like Home of Hope will be very evident.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology

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