This is amazing! First step of our five-year-loan-journey is made. Today we paid final part of the first loan payment. Thank you to all of you, our donors!
During last two weeks we received enough funds to cover first loan payment and also to balance 2019 budget of Tartu Academy of Theology. Now we are able to move forward with 2020 budget.

To meet our new loan payment goal we need to raise $78,257 until April 15th. Good news is that we have also $3,430 of matching funds available.

We have decided not to be too anxious about the entire loan sum, we just move on step by step, we pray, we work, we use those new opportunities we have given with Home of Hope, we trust our Lord. This is our only way to move forward and we are so thankful that you are walking side by side with us.
There are happening interesting events at Home of Hope. February 19th we hosted a conference where pastors and lay leaders were talking about identity of Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. One of the great challenges within our church is how to manage all church structures and how to serve all congregations while church membership is in decline.
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology
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