Mattias has seen a need for a young adults conference that deals with topics which make young people to struggle. Now, the time has come and preparations are made and young adults conference ’The Juggler’ will take place at Home of Hope on March 18-19, 2022.
‘The Juggler’ targets people who are active in their daily life and want to be active in church work as well. They give their input everywhere and they don’t want to say no to God. The conference’s aim is to provide tools and to really open up what really means to be young adult and have an open space to talk about it.
There are many demands and ideals in the world for young people. It teaches what a successful person is and how to become one. You always must be better, do more and aim higher. Success is not bad, but the burden of all assumptions can be hard to bear, and it is easy to forget that God does not judge people by their accomplishments.
In two days, we take participants to a journey to really establish what is important in life. First day we start in the basic what means to be successful in Gods eyes and have a testimony to illustrate it. Second part of the evening we have panel, where we have “successful” people to open up their journeys with God. For evening we really want people to have time off as well. So, there are two zones – silent disco and board games.
The second day is full of seminars. We start the morning with a bible study and take off with gifts and investments (internal/external). From that we have psychologist to open up burn out and depression and gives tools to manage it better. Our last speaker is archbishop of Estonian Lutheran Church. He talks relationships and also looks back to the whole conference.
Conference has worship band to have to digest the new information and really have time to spend in fellowship with God and with one another.
Organizing team have done great preparations and they continue their efforts but they need some help. At least 60% of the conference budget will be covered from ticket sale and from sponsors in Estonia. Total budget is $9,540 and currently they are missing $3,816. They are very thankful for any help. This is their first event like that and they have taken a big bite. I hope they will be successful and also encouraged to continue with such youth conferences annually. To find out more in detail about the budget download this PDF file.

Mattias made also video to share with you about this conference.
It has been very difficult to raise funds according to the mortgage payments schedule that we had signed with our creditor Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Therefore we were asking to change our contract in taking off all dates of quarterly payments and leaving just the final total mortgage loan due date which is November 15th, 2024. It’s obviously our interest to make payments as fast as possible in order to pay less interest. We pray every day that we could pay this loan off much faster and we ask you to join with us in this prayer. And we hope that your partnership and financial support continues because we need your help. All giving information is presented here.
We are so grateful to all our donors. Together we were able to meet almost all needs of TAT/Home of Hope Annual Operating Budget of 2021. Shortfall was in the end of 2021 bit over ten thousand dollars but we were able to postpone some expenses into 2022. Thus is our annual operating budget of 2022 $297,315.
We are joyful for God’s mercy we have experienced.
God bless you,
Pastor Siimon Haamer
President of Tartu Academy of Theology