Livestream of Siimon’s 50th Birthday Service

22nd of April, I’m celebrating my 50th birthday with thanksgiving service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Tartu. For my friends across the ocean and long distances I have prepared one special opportunity to participate my birthday celebrations.

By clicking this YouTube link you’ll find livestream of the thanksgiving service with simultaneous translation into English. Service starts on April 22nd at 8:00 am U.S. Central Time.

It’s my privilege to serve during this service with my 87 years old father and two older brothers.

I have asked all my birthday guests not to bring any gifts and flowers, but to make donation to Home of Hope in honor of my 50th birthday. You are welcome to join this initiative. Below you’ll find giving options.


Siimon Haamer

President of Tartu Academy of Theology


Charity Lutheran Church (Tax deductible.)

120 Aspen Ave.

Bismarck, ND 58503, U.S.A.

Memo: SIIMON 50


Go to Choose from the dropdown list a fund called “Tartu Academy of Theology” and then choose the sub fund “SIIMON 50”.