Christ has risen! Hallelujah!
The resurrection of Christ makes us joyful and verifies that our work has eternal meaning. Yet reminds us that we have duties in this world.
Jesus Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:14
Amazing new perspectives despite of great financial difficulties
Although we have fallen into a deep crisis with TAT and Home of Hope financing because of the Corona virus we see also new opportunities opening for us in our society. Already, for almost a month, churches have been closed, but every Sunday our church leadership have been able to televise prayer services arranged in the TV studio through Estonian public TV programming. Also, the Estonian government has asked pastoral care givers to provide help with counseling via telephone calls. We know that this challenging situation is just temporary and we need to be ready to do follow up work with people affected by the crisis.
Sharing about our needs
We know that many people and organizations all over the world are experiencing the same kind of hardships as we do. But I know also how important it is to share the story. We need people to know when we need help. I’m sharing with you now and asking your prayer support and also financial help. All activities are of course halted at Home of Hope and thus we aren’t able to earn any additional income. Giving has dropped quickly during the last month and we have much more liabilities then we have funds. If you are able to help then different giving options are available here.
Yet, when I’m looking back in history, I actually have to confess that we are today in a much better situation than the one my father was in when he needed to hide for years in an underground bunker after World War 2. He couldn’t explain his bad situation to anyone outside of the bunker. He was only able to put his hope in God (read Haamer’ family story). We are in a much better situation today. We can share with our friends about our situation and ask for help.
Because of the crisis we’ve made over $15,000 USD cut in the TAT’s annual budget.

Current situation of Home of Hope loan payment
April 15th was the deadline for our 2nd loan payment. As I wrote in my previous letter, I asked the creditor to extend the deadline. At the moment the deadline has been extended one month until May 15th. If we still are not able to make the loan payment then we will have to communicate again with the creditor.
Giving a great testimony about God’s trustworthiness
I know very many people in Estonia are following with interest our loan payment process because they want to know whether God’s promise that was given already in 1995 (read the story behind Home of Hope) will be reliable and fulfilled. They know that we don’t have any savings and God is our only hope. All together we will be able to give that great testimony about God’s trustworthiness. That means we all become God’s ambassadors. God is making his promises a reality through us.

Day of prayer
On April 25th we will again form a 24 hour prayer chain and you are welcome to join with us whenever it’s possible for you.
Prayer requests:
- Praise the Lord for everything that we have been experiencing throughout the Home of Hope process.
- Pray for all people who are suffering because of the Corona virus.
- Pray God’s continuous blessing for the Academy and Home of Hope project as we have taken a major loan.
- Pray guidance and wisdom from God that Home of Hope would be filled with people, activities and organizations that proclaim powerfully the Word of God.
- Pray many blessings for donors of Home of Hope and for all of them who are running this outreach center.
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology

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