Donors of Home of Hope

Currently, the thank you wall has the names of those supporters who had given their donation before November 1, 2019. When the entire mortgage loan is paid, we will complete the thank you wall with the names of all those who have supported the establishment of the Home of Hope.

Below the plaque are currently presented names of those supporters who had given their donation before November 1, 2019. When the entire mortgage loan is paid, we will complete the thank you wall with the names of all those major donors who have supported the establishment of the Home of Hope.
How will donors be remembered at Home of Hope
- Any amount given from $100 to $9,999 USD is celebrated with your name on the wall next to our facility’s chapel.
- The plaque with God’s promise, that is central in our building story, is now placed on honorable position on the wall of the main hall of Home of Hope. Another plaque below this has those names of God’s ambassadors who have given strong testimony that God’s Word is trustworthy by donating to our facility purchase at least $10,000 USD. There is enough room for new names.
- By giving $50,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name on one of TAT’s three offices, the Family Radio office or the Pastoral Care Center office.
- By giving $60,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name listed as donor on our small classroom.
- By giving $70,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name listed as donor for our medium classroom.
- By giving $80,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name listed as donor on our chapel.
- By giving $150,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name listed as donor for our big classroom.
- By giving $200,000 USD you will receive additional recognition with your name listed as donor for our main hall with reading room.
- By giving at least $1,000,000 USD we will name our facility according to the donor name.
Names of all donors in alphabetical order until October 1st, 2023
Private persons
All anonymous donors
Chere Allard
Pam Alle
Marek Alveus
Charles & Emily Anderson
Cheryl Anderson
Doug & Mary Anderson
John & Joan Anderson
Leanne Andreas
Aime Animägi
Fritz Apfel
Gary Bahn
Ester Barkala
Mari-Ann Bartlett
David & Sandy Becker
Eliisabet ja Maur Below
Inger-Marie & Edvin Berg
John & Carol Berg
Delores Berkas
Gladys Biehl
Ken Birst
Warner Blyckert
Marlene Bohrer
Dorothy Bradford
Nancy Brekke
Marilee Buland
Donald Bullene
Phyllis Burdge
Kenneth & Anne Carpenter
Daniel & Karen Christ
John Christensen Jr.
Kennith Clark
Vernon Clausen
James Clayton
James Cosgrove
Paul & Marlyn Coughlin
Brian & Ann Crocker
Linda Cruz
Robert Culbert
Daniel Daehlin
Steven & Sue Davidson
Ed & Brenda Deckard
Laura Desir
Alan & Rebecca Dohrmann
Dita Dow
Kent & Mona Dressler
Michael & Patty Dwyer
James & Janice Dyrdahl
Steve & Elaine Edmundson
Sven & Jean Eelma
Kristel-Liis Eesmaa
Patricia Eichler
Steven & Jane Ekholm
Terje Elias
Jim & DeDe Elliott
Edwin & Loretta Engebretson
Chris & Caroline Erickson
Gloria Erickson
Judy Erickstad
Sirje Esko
Tiina Kaia ja Agu Ets
John Fahning
Brian & Barbara Felt
Mike Finkral
David & Victoria Fisher
Terrence Fletcher
Michael & Marian Fluharty
Dale Ford
Randy & Stephanie Freund
Marc & Barb Fridley
Gary Friedt
Michael & Mary Fuchs
Alvina Fueller
Ken & Connie Geiger
William & Tess Gibbons
Paavel Gill
Ralph & Jane Gnann
Barbara Gobernatz
Johanna ja Jussi Graeffe
David & Anne Gran
Richard Grorud
Scott Grorud
Ruth & Kristen Grysbaek
Paul & Elaine Gunderson
Singh Bedi Gurdesh
Eenok & Eha Haamer
Joonatan Haamer
Kaia Haamer
Kärt Haamer
Margit & Markus Haamer
Mattias & Hetek Haamer
Märt & Kadri Haamer
Tõnis & Merje Haamer
James Hackney
L. Halloff
Marcia Halvorson
Nathan & Ruth Hanson
Tyrone & Shirley Hanson
Ardean & Diana Harstad
Orlando Hash
Mot & Pam Hedges
Victor Heiner
Chad Helland
Betty Helseth
Bruce A. Hendrickson
Kelly Henning
William Henze
Richard Hoefer
Raili Hollo
Toivo Holsmer
Roger & Joan Hoover
Doug & Kathleen Hruby
Kristo Hüdsi
John Huebner
Roger & Elizabeth Hull
Thomas & Sandra Hunt
John & Nola Hutchinson
Carl Imhoff
Gene Jeffrey
Jon E. Jensen
Julie Jensen
Donald Johnson
Ken & Ardyce Johnson
Marvin Johnson
Ramona Johnson
Robert & Linda Johnson
Gregg & Gwen Jorgenson
Andres Jõgiste
Ruth ja Valdek Kaasik
Janne ja Veiko Kask
Katrin ja Indrek Kelement
Liina Kilemit
Georgia Kingsbury
Peeter Kivestu
Alice Klement
Paul & Bobbi Knudson
Philip G. & Catherine O'Neill Knudson
Eric & Leah Knutson
Harold & Darline Knutson
Sever Knutson
Kristel Kormik
Chad & Laura Kourajian
Märt Kraft
Miriam Krause
Janet Kreie
Katrin ja Peter-Friedrich Krienitz
Yvonne Krupke
Ulvar Kullerkupp
Graig Kveen
Arne & Mirjam Lagus
John & Kristin Lagus
Deena Lanning
David & Carol Larkin
Merlyn Larso
Diana Lautt
David & Barbara Lee
Kristi Lee
Robert & Gloria Lee
Karl & Lori Lemmerman
Eli Lend
Arnold & Nancy Leno
Curt & Mary LeVang
G. J. Lewison
in memoriam Eduard Samuel & Helgi Lind
Merje Liiv
John Lipp
Audrey Liudahl
Kenton & Laura Lodge
William & Sigrid Ludwig
Eleri ja Kristjan Luhamets
Tiina ja Joel Luhamets
Peggy Luke
Brian & Leeanna Lunn
Virene Luthi
Lori Lynner
Tiit Maasikmäe
Valdie & Elaine Magstadt
Richard & Linda Mahlow
Siim Maripuu
Larry & Diane Marty
Ron & Linda Mathern
Scott & Lori McClaury
Ross McGlasson
Christopher & Paulette McHugh
Richard McKinven
Bob & Kathy McLain
Ken & Jacki Meimann
Franklin & Dawn Merrel
Carol Metzger
Dan & Shirley Midura
Mike & Heather Miller
Steve & Sandy Miller
Lorri Mittleider
Macel Monthy
Karen Morgan
A. T. Morris
Robert Mortvedt
Kristiina Mõttus
Michael & Siri Myhrom
Richard Narveson
Bruce & Jane Nelson
Clarke Nelson
John & Martha Nelson
Robert & Pam Nelson
Bill & Pamela Nersesian
Edwina Njos
Donald & Kathy Nordquist
Bob & Patti Nordvall
Darwin Norlien
Kalle Nurmepuu
Charles Nyhus
Wayne Odegaard
Arlan & Linda Okerson
Norman Olsen
Gen Olson
Jo Ann Olson
Kent Olson
Urmas Oras
Mary Ann Ostlund
Maret Ots
Cathy Painther
Carol Palin
Gordon Patten
Roger Paul
Donna Paulson
Stanley & Linda Paulson
Howard Perhus
James & Linda Perhus
Keith & Linda Perhus
Thomas & Ruth Perin
Troy & Katherine Peterson
Wayne & Muriel Peterson
Arthur Phelps
Monika Pihlakas
Ervin Piikmann
Paulus Pilgrim
Gerald & Marilyn Pitmon
Angela Ploomi
Hal Prather
Sirje Prits
Heidy ja Aivo Prükk
Küllike Pärn
Heido Pärtel
Jakob Pärtna
George Qualley
Bill & Carolyn Quehl
John Radcliffe
Donna Rasmusson
Kersti Raudsepp
Gary & Ruth Reetz
Raivo Reisenbuk
Hanna Renter
Don & Mavis Richman
Todd Riggs
Piret Riim
Larry Rinehart
Gene Roberts
Marek & Pirjo Roots
Tiit ja Ülle Rosin
Kristel ja Karl Salum
Aivi Sarapuu
Kaili Särg
Steve & Linda Saveraid
Jerome & Boni Schanil
Paul & Marlene Schiotz
Don & Sylvia Schmid
Sidney Sehlin
Laverne & Mary Severseike
Stephen & Erica Shelton
Hiie Silmere
Valerie Silva
Ilmar Sirkel
Keith & Ruby Sistad
Kenneth & Julie Slag
Audun Berg Slettahjell
Terry Sletto
Percy Smerek
Keith & DeLores Soiseth
Sandra Steele
Valerie Strebe
George Stroebel
John & Allison Sullivan
Margus Suvi
Ester Sõtšova
Timo Švedko
Duane Theil
Corbin Thompson
Janika Tikerperi
Loren Timm
Steven & Lisa Tonder
Mai Tooming
Philip Torgerson
Archie Trawick
Jeff & Deb Uline
Airi & Thomas Vaga
Urmas Viilma
Urve Virkmaa
Connie Volk
Salme Väljataga
Ria Värsi
Steven Wadle
Karen Waliser
Dennis & Kathy Walsh
Duane & Faye Wangen
John & Chara Wangen
David Warfel
Edward Waslaski
Kevin & Sarah Weeks
Mary Weich
Owen Weikle
Kathy Wermager
Kelly Westlund
Ryan Whalen
William White
Charles & Brenda Whitman
Dale Widley
John & Nancy Wissman
Jeffrey Wold
William & Barbara Young
Meelis Zujev
Carl & Shirley Zulke
Churches and organizations
American Association of Lutheran Churches
Ascension Lutheran Church, Fond Du Lac, WI
Augustana District of LCMC, Hutchinson, MN
Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hill Village, CO
Bethany Lutheran Church, McCallsburg, IA
Bethel Lutheran Church, Holdrege, NE
Bible Alive Minsitries, Fergus Falls, MN
Calvary Lutheran Church, Lee, IL
Charity Lutheran Church, Bismarck, ND
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Dodge City, KS
Christus Lutheran Church, Clintonville, WI
Dansk Europamission, Denmark
Discover Church Network, Brooklyn Park, MN
EDW Repairs, Richardton, ND
Estonian Evang. Luth. Church, Los Angeles, CA
Estonian Evang. Luth. Church, New York, NY
Faith Community Lutheran Church, Longmont, CO
Faith Lutheran Church, Harvey, ND
Faith Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, MN
Faith Lutheran Church Youth Group, Starbuck, MN
First Lutheran Church, Hope, MN
First Lutheran Church, Washburn, ND
First United Lutheran Church, Roseau, MN
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, San Jose, CA
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Morris, MN
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Deephaven, Women of Life, Wayzata, MN
Grace Lutheran Brethren, Bismarck, ND
Heartland District LCMC, Lincoln, NE
Hoefer Family Giving, Coralville, IA
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Maple Lake, MN
Hope Lutheran Church, Everly, IA
Hope Lutheran Church, Fosston, MN
Hope Lutheran Church, Huron, SD
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Baileys Harbor, WI
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Harlan, IA
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Huron, SD
Immanuel Lutheran Church, New Leipzig, ND
Joy Mission Church, Chapin, SC
Life in Grace Lutheran Church, Gardendale, TX
Light of Christ Lutheran Church, Williston, ND
Lohusuu Congregation of the Estonian Evang. Luth. Church
Lutheran Church of the Master, Omaha, NE
Marshall Lutheran Church, Marshall, ND
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Foundation, Excelsior, MN
Mustvee Congregation of the Estonian Evang. Luth. Church
New Hope Mission Society, Hutchinson, MN
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Radcliffe, IA
Reformation Lutheran Church, Cataula, GA
Richland Lutheran Church, Richland, WA
Ringkobing Y's Men Club, Denmark
Sacred Word Lutheran Church, Mobridge, SD
Salem Lutheran Church, Roland, IA
Saving Grace Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI
Shalom Community Lutheran Church, Starbuck, MN
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX
Shepherd of the Valley, Afton, MN
Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church, Parker, CO
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gillett, WI
St. John's Lutheran Church, Howard Lake, MN
St. John's Lutheran Church, Springfield, MN
St. John's Lutheran Church, Weyauwega, WI
St. John's Lutheran Church Sunday School, Cylinder, IA
St. John's Women of the Word, Starbuck, MN
St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Garfield, MN
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Taylor, TX
Tartu Deanery of the Estonian Evang. Luth. Church
Endowment Fund of Tartu Academy of Theology, Bismarck, ND
Thrivent Community – Sageland
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Springfield, GA
Trinity Lutheran Church, Hallock, MN
Trinity Lutheran Church, Janesville, MN
Union Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC
Vernes Lutheran Church, McIntosh, MN
Western Washington Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA
Word of God Lutheran, Sharpsburg, GA
Word of Life Free Lutheran Church, Upsala, MN
Youth of the Estonian Evang. Luth. Church St. John's Congregation of Tallinn