We are so thankful to God for the blessing that we have experienced. Home of Hope is becoming more and more filled with different activities.
I’m sharing with you our current status. During last two weeks fundraising situation didn’t change much and we are still missing $6,861 for a loan payment. We are thankful that our creditor has been so far patient because we have paid most of the first loan payment but it’s clear that they won’t be patient for very long. We have to pay missing part ASAP. The problem is also that we can’t take this money from TAT’s regular funds because also our 2019 annual budget is still in deficit with $14,952.
We continue to keep our work in prayers. February 7th we had again 24 hour prayer chain. It’s great feeling to you know that so many people are praying throughout a day continually for our work.
I’m sorry that our website isn’t updated for couple of months. I’m building up a new website because it is very, very time consuming to make updates to the current website. Hopefully in two or three weeks there is a new website published.
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology