We are so grateful for God that the launch of Home of Hope’s Bible school has gotten such warm welcome!
There are 80 people signed up and this is 4 times more than we were expecting. We are more than happy to announce that this year’s Bible school is fully sold out.
Demand and hunger for Bible school course in Tartu is over our head and there are people on the waiting list. This makes us to be devoted to work out more ways to reach out to Estonians and share the knowledge of the Bible!
We are not planning to offer web lessons (at least during this first year), because fellowship is very important part of this Bible School. However we are still offering live streaming to our campuses i.e. partner congregations. At the moment we have two congregations (one in North and one in South Estonia) that are gathering people every Monday to watch live streaming. These local churches will offer fellowship and coffee break. Such system makes actual Home of Hope Bible School student body to grow over 100.
At the same time we are video recording all lessons. If students won’t be able to be present every Monday they still won’t miss anything. We can continue our work even if we should practice social distancing because of COVID-19. We have different solutions worked out for this case.
Because of so good admission Bible School budget is covered for this first year. Still, we would be very thankful for donations because we need to make several development activities to be prepared for next fall.
Thank you to all our donors and prayer partners. We are very moved by your partnership. Throughout summer we did receive generous matching funds that are now already matched.
Annual budget of Tartu Academy is unfortunately still in considerable shortfall. Any help is very welcome.
Below you will see our current fundraising progress.

Friends of Estonia Summit in ZOOM
Next Friends of Estonian Summit via the internet using ZOOM is planned September 29th at 12:00 noon US Central time. Here is the invitation for you to join:
Topic: Friends of Estonia Summit
Time: Sep 29, 2020 12:00 noon Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 4682 0527
Passcode: 215733
Everyone is welcome! You don’t have to let me know in advance, you just click this link enter password and join. Probably you even don’t have to download ZOOM to join but if that’s still needful you can download it onto your computer from here.
Bible School launch on September 21, 2020.
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