HOME of HOPE dedication service in the big classroom on December 2nd.
I pray God’s protection and blessing with you throughout 2020.
I just want to share briefly our current fundraising situation. At the moment we are still missing $27,787 of the first Home of Hope loan payment. Fortunately we have still some extra time because we can make the payment without penalty until January 20th.
2019 annual budget deficit is $33,214.
In order to track better our fundraising goals and process, we launched a new pledge program. As our quarterly loan payment is almost $80,000, we need eight congregations or private persons each quarter pledging $10,000. We have some pledges already made and both of them are for the full 5 years. At the same time, we need to maintain the level of giving to TAT for yearly operation expenses.

We ask you and your congregation to consider becoming part of this pledge program. Please let me know if you’d like to make a pledge.
Siimon Haamer
Dean of Tartu Academy of Theology

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