First Loan Payment is Made
This is amazing! First step of our five-year-loan-journey is made. Today we paid final part of the first loan payment. Thank you to all of you, our donors!
This is amazing! First step of our five-year-loan-journey is made. Today we paid final part of the first loan payment. Thank you to all of you, our donors!
We are so thankful to God for the blessing that we have experienced. Home of Hope is becoming more and more filled with different activities.
I’m sharing with you our current status. During last two weeks fundraising situation didn’t change much and we are still missing $6,861 for a loan payment. We are thankful that our creditor has been so far patient because we have paid most of the first loan payment but it’s clear that they won’t be patient for very long.
We continue to keep our work in prayers. February 8th we will have again 24 hour prayer chain. You are very welcome to join with us throughout a day whenever it’s suitable for you. Here are also some prayer topics:
We are so thankful to God for the blessing that we have experienced. Home of Hope is becoming more and more filled with different activities.
During Christmas and New Year I spent some extra time with my family and rested a bit after extremely busy Autumn. Beginning of 2020 has been again pretty intensive as we are starting new life at Home of Hope. In addition to our regular study work we are hosting different trainings and Home of Hope is a place for regular pastors meetings. It takes of course much more time until everything works as planned… and even more.
I pray God’s protection and blessing with you throughout 2020.
I just want to share briefly our current fundraising situation. At the moment we are still missing $27,787 of the first Home of Hope loan payment. Fortunately we have still some extra time because we can make the payment without penalty until January 20th.
I want to share with you a very special and encouraging message that I received from major donors of ours who set up $100,000 for a matching fund this summer.
They wrote:
“In June of 2019, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to send money to the Home of Hope. I ignored it for a while, but I finally mentioned it to my wife. She replied that she had the same feeling. We decided that the Holy Spirit wanted us to trust God and make a sacrificial gift. We pledged $100,000 in matching funds for the Home of Hope.
December 2nd we celebrated dedication of the HOME of HOPE. Construction work was finished and we were glad to see beautiful result. Archbishop of Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church consecrated the facility in front of about hundred guests. Dedication service was filled with thanksgiving to God for His great blessings.